
Showing posts from February, 2022

Week 6

 02/21/2022: (2 hours) Continued with VICI logo, reconstructed the face of the logo. Started on a completed version of the logo with a lighter colored face to look more realistic. 02/23/2022: (3 hours) Talked with Kelly, she wanted to me to create another version of the VICI logo to look more like a tree like face that blended together well with the colors of the tree that were in the logo. So, I created the same logo but made the face darker to match the natural colors of the tree that was in the logo. 02/25/2022: (5 hours) Had a presentation with Kelly about the two logos and the client. Put them onto a business card to see how they would look. I also worked on CBS builders business cards for their company and edited the names and information on the new business card layout. 

Week 5

 02/14/2022: (2 hours) Re-drew VICI logo, started to add color 02/16/2022: (3 hours) Added color to the VICI logo, added highlights. Kelly had a meeting with me and the client. Went over changes wanted/needed. 02/18/2022: (5 hours) Fixed the changes, had a zoom meeting with Kelly about the logo. Expressed concerns about the color and how it would show up on business cards. 

Week 4

 02/07/2022: (2 hours) Worked on editing CSB Builders logo in Illustrator and then into InDesign. Talked with Kelly, the owners of the company wanted to expand their business card with more information.  02/09/2022: (3 hours) Continued to work on the business cards and fill them out for each client with the proper information.  02/11/2022: (5 hours) Worked on VICI logo. Sketching a brand new logo by hand in color to give client a representation of what it could look like in color if she chose this way. Then fixed a minor detail in the actual digital logo file. 

Week 3

 01/31/2022: ( 2 hours) Met with Kelly, created and edited business cards for a construction company in InDesign.  02/02/2022: (3 hours) Met with Kelly, fixed the bleeding on the business cards in InDesign. Continued with the "VICI" Logos. Fixed minor issues on the graphics to meet the clients wants and gathered different fonts.   02/04/2022: (5 hours) Met with Kelly, went over the details needed to be changed in the logo, created a new logo. Fixing issues with the older logos. Round 3 of fixes on the logo.  CBS builders cards