Week 6

 02/21/2022: (2 hours) Continued with VICI logo, reconstructed the face of the logo. Started on a completed version of the logo with a lighter colored face to look more realistic.

02/23/2022: (3 hours) Talked with Kelly, she wanted to me to create another version of the VICI logo to look more like a tree like face that blended together well with the colors of the tree that were in the logo. So, I created the same logo but made the face darker to match the natural colors of the tree that was in the logo.

02/25/2022: (5 hours) Had a presentation with Kelly about the two logos and the client. Put them onto a business card to see how they would look. I also worked on CBS builders business cards for their company and edited the names and information on the new business card layout. 


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